Monday, October 26, 2020

La confederación de estudiantes de posgrado e investigadores Mexicanos en Canadá (CEIMEXCAN), celebró su décimo quinto aniversario y XV Congreso.

 CEIMEXCAN, redacción.

El XV Congreso de esta organización CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos tuvo lugar de modo virtual, empleando la plataforma Microsoft Teams, dadas las condiciones del COVID-19 en estos momentos. El congreso se realizó los días 23-25 de octubre 2020 con el apoyo del servidor de la Universidad de Ottawa, patrocinador el evento. Éste fue inaugurado por el Embajador Arturo Hernández Basave, quien inició su carrera diplomática como representante de México ante la ONU en temas de ciencia y tecnología. A la inauguración atendieron personalidades como Will Amos, Diputado Federal en el Parlamento Canadiense y quien lleva la agenda con México bajo la batuta del Primer Ministro Justin Trudeau, y la Senadora Rosa Gálvez, única Senadora de origen Latinoamericano en Canadá, quien habló sobre el papel de las mujeres latinoamericanas en Canadá. También estuvieron en el evento el vicepresidente de diseño y grabado del Canadian Bank Note, Jorge Peral, quien trató sobre el diseño, grabado y emisión de monedas y billetes por una de las emisoras más importantes del planeta; el Dr. Alejandro Adem, presidente del Consejo de Investigación de Ciencias Naturales e Ingeniería de Canadá (NSERC por sus siglas en inglés), la institución más importante de ciencia y tecnología en Canadá.

En el congreso participaron 30 presentadores representando a 26 instituciones de Canadá, México y distintas empresas: Gobierno de Canadá, Agencia Espacial Canadiense, Embajada de México en Canadá, Consejo de Investigación de Ciencias Naturales e Ingeniería de Canadá (NSERC), Canadian Bank Note Co. Ltd., Senado Canadiense, Parlamento Canadiense, Universidad de Quebec en Montreal, Instituto Nacional de Óptica (INO), Instituto Conestoga, Universidad de Concordia, Universidad de Ottawa, Parques Canadá, Universidad de York, UNAM Canadá, CISSS de la Montérégie-Est. Hospital Hotel-Dieu de Sorel, ITESM, la Universidad de Guanajuato, la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Ballet Aztlán, Inmigrar a Canadá, Casa México (Calgary), CEIMEXCAN, Red Global MX Capitulo España, la Red Global MX Capitulo Australia, Aquaponika Ltd. y FlamingSoft Inc. 

Los temas en este XV Congreso fueron multidisciplinarios: ciencias, artes, estudios sociales, historia, política, por mencionar algunos. Se relató la fundación de la UNAM en Canadá, se analizaron los desafíos sobre la prevención del suicidio en México en el marco de las políticas públicas en el contexto latinoamericano, el Instituto Conestoga y la Universidad de Concordia compartieron sus ofertas educativas hacia México, se explicaron los retos y desafíos en la relación entre México y Canadá en materia de tecnología espacial, se mostró la riqueza de las ofrendas del Día de muertos de los mexicanos en el exterior, y se abordó el conservadurismo en las áreas agrícolas con relación a los derechos sexuales de las y los migrantes mexicanos bajo el contexto de las dinámicas laborales del Programa de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales (PTAT). También se hizo una reflexión sobre el papel de las mujeres en ciencia y tecnología, explorando el panorama frente a ellas y las perspectivas existentes al respecto en México y Canadá.

El evento cerró el domingo con un seminario para el público sobre el papel de los parques nacionales y otras áreas protegidas en la conservación de la biodiversidad y el funcionamiento del planeta.


Links de Videos
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos INAUGURACION, Dia 1
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos Dia 2 Part - 1
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos Dia 2 Part - 2
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos Dia 2 Part - 3
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos Dia 2 Part - 4
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos Dia 3
Facebook Live

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

PROGRAMA - 15th National Conference of Mexican Graduate Students and Researchers in Canada


                               CEIMEXCAN 2020


15o Congreso Internacional de la Confederación de Estudiantes de Posgrado e Investigadores Mexicanos en Canadá


CEIMEXCAN 2020: Huellas mexicanas en Canadá y sus frutos


Ottawa, octubre 23 – 25, 2020

Universidad de Ottawa (Anfitrión virtual)



Viernes 23 de Octubre 2020.


Inauguración del XV Congreso de CEIMEXCAN


17:50   CEIMEXCAN.  Join Microsoft Teams Meeting


18:00 – 18:10 / José Miguel Ramírez Olivos y Gerardo Barajas-Garrido / CEIMEXCAN/ 15 Años de CEIMEXCAN, pasado y futuro de la organización.


18:10 – 18:30 / Embajador Arturo Hernández Basave / Embajada de México en Canadá / Inauguración del XV Congreso CEIMEXCAN.


18:30 – 18:45 Alejandro Adem / President. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). / The importance of the Science and Technology exchange between Mexico and Canada.


18:45 – 19:00 Jorge Peral / Vice-President, Design and master engraver at Canadian Bank Note Co. Ltd. / International design, the footprints of Mexico in Canada.


19:00 – 19:30 Senator Rosa Gálvez / The role and importance of Latin American women in Canada.


19:30 – 19:45 Will Amos / MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry (Science) / The Government of Canada’s role in supporting science and research, at home and with international partners.


Sábado 24 de Octubre


10:00 – 10:20 Angela B. Martinez Gonzalez / Universidad de Quebec en Montreal / Desafíos sobre la prevención del Suicidio en México: Análisis de políticas públicas en el contexto latinoamericano.


10:20 – 10:40 Maria Luisa de Villa / BFA-York University, MFA – UNAM / Ofrenda: Ritual de vida.


10:40 – 11:00 Aaraon Diaz Mendiburo / UNAM / El Canadá desconocido. El conservadurismo en las áreas agrícolas. Una aproximación a los derechos sexuales de las y los migrantes mexicanos bajo el contexto de las dinámicas laborales del Programa de Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales (PTAT).


11:00 – 11:20 Violeta Márquez-Cruz / Institut National d’Optique (INO). / Mujeres en ciencia y tecnología: panorama y perspectivas en México y Canadá.


11:20 – 11:40            Pausa          


11:40 – 12:00 Natalia Lopez Sosa Montes de Oca / Conestoga College / México en Canadá, las oportunidades de enlace Mexico-Canadá a través de Conestoga College.


12:00 – 12:20 Clemencia Taghabon / Immigrate to Canada. How you can immigrate to Canada.


12:20 – 12:40 Claudia Chavez Caraza y Neale Smith Cornejo / Tec de Monterrey en Canadá (Montreal)/ El Tecnológico de Monterrey en Canadá. La iniciativa para continuar la internacionalización.  


12:40 – 13:00 Juan Francisco Robles y Jesús Martínez Patiño / Universidad de Guanajuato en Canadá. Programas de internacionalización y colaboraciones.


13:00 – 14:00 Almuerzo.


14:00 – 14:20 Carlos Peralta Maldonado / UACh / La huella de la Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo en Canadá: intercambios de la división de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas.


14:20 – 14:40 Pierre Gilles Bélanger University of Ottawa / Canada-Mexico at the University of Ottawa: The Law program and training.  


14:40 – 15:00 Rafael Pulido / RGMX Europa / La huella de los Mexicanos en Europa.


15:00 – 15:20 Francisco Tovar Lopez / RGMX Asia / La huella de los Mexicanos en Asia.


15:20 – 15:40 Mario Enrique Paniagua Medina / Departamento de Cardiología, CISSSME Monteregie Est. Hospital Hotel Dieu de Sorel. / Aterosclerosis: la otra pandemia.


15:40 – 16:00 Pausa.


16:00 – 16:30 Esperanza Garrido / UNAM Canadá / UNAM-Canadá. Los primeros años.


16:30 – 17:00 Alicia Mayer / UNAM Canadá / La UNAM-Canadá hoy. Retos y perspectivas.  


17:00 – 17:30 Julie Dezrowicz / PM, Government of Canada / Canada-Mexico Friendship Group: the growing Hispanic community in Canada.


17:30 – 17:50 Orlando Iturbe y Mariana Rocha / CEIMEXCAN / Proyecto “Huellas Mexicanas en Canadá”.


Domingo 25 de Octubre


10:00 – 10:20 José Miguel Ramírez / Agencia Espacial Canadiense / La relación Mexico Canadá en Tecnología espacial, retos y desafíos.


10:20 – 10:40 Julio Sevilla / Concordia University / International programs and the relation Mexico-Concordia University.


10:40 – 11:00 Francisco Ucan Marín / CEIMEXCAN / La situación de Ciencia y Tecnología en Mexico y Canadá en los últimos 15 años.


11:00 – 11:20 Josue Nieto / Ballet Aztlan / International representation of Mexico through traditional dances, Ballet Aztlan.


11:20 – 11:40 Pausa.


11:40 – 12:00 Miguel Cortines / Casa México / La huella comunitaria de los mexicanos en Alberta Canadá: El caso de Casa México.


12:00 – 12:20 Erick Estrada / Co-Founder at FlamingSoft Inc. / México en Canadá, las huellas de los Mexicanos Emprendedores en las Praderas Canadienses


12:20 – 12:40 Leonardo Cabrera / Parks Canada/ El papel de los Parques Nacionales y otras áreas protegidas en la conservación de la biodiversidad y el funcionamiento del planeta.


12:40 – 13:00 Antonio Ortiz / University of Ottawa / Oportunidades Internacionales University of Ottawa -Mexico.


13:00 – 13:30 CEIMEXCAN / Conclusiones, agradecimientos y clausura.



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Sunday, June 14, 2020

CEIMEXCAN 2020 Call for Submissions - 15th National Conference of the Confederation of Mexican Graduate Students and Researchers in Canada (CEIMEXCAN)


Call for Submissions

15th National Conference of the Confederation of Mexican Graduate
Students and Researchers in Canada (CEIMEXCAN)
CEIMEXCAN 2020: Mexican Footprints in Canada and their Fruits

October 23rd – 25th, 2020
University of Ottawa (Host server) Virtual venue
75 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada


The Confederation of Mexican Graduate Students and Researchers in Canada (CEIMEXCAN, acronym in Spanish) cordially invites you to its 15th National Conference that will be held October 23rd – 25th, 2020 at the University of Ottawa, (virtual sessions).

CEIMEXCAN is a registered a non-profit organization with representatives across Canada. The impressive network of novel and advanced research conducted by its members and collaborators in diverse areas of knowledge has built what nowadays is considered as the most important independent Latin American academic (science and technology) think tank in Canada.

The main objectives of this Conference are to:

·         Give recognition to the work accomplished by graduate students of Mexican origin in any discipline, as well as to the investigation conducted (in progress or finished) by researchers from diverse nationalities who are interested in subjects related to Mexico; and
·         Provide participants with an environment to network and foster Mexico-Canada relations within different academic fields.

The overall topic for 2020 the year is 15 Years of Achievements: Contributions by Mexicans to the Canadian society in the following fields:

a)    Advances and exchange in science and technology.
b)    Culture, art, and ethnic expressions in Mexico and Canada.
c)    Climate change, environment, and sustainable development.
d)    Mexico-Canada, economy, and trade.
e)    Mexico-Canada, education relations.
f)     Mexico-Canada, international relations, and affairs; and
g)    Mexico-Canada, politics, and society.

Participation formats
§  Poster exhibition (can be shared during the presentation, virtual posters)
³  You are welcome to submit a new poster or one from a recent conference.
§  Round tables
³  Round tables will be composed of a maximum of four participants, each of which will give a 10 minutes presentation. Following the presentations, there will be 20 minutes for questions and discussion between the round table participants and the audience.
§  Platform presentation (virtual live, or pre-recorded)
³  Presentations will last 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions.

*         The languages of the conference are Spanish, English and French.
*         Presentations should be able to communicate the complexity of their research to a wide non-specialized audience.
*         Abstracts should be redacted in English with information able to be shared with the public, since this information will be posted online.
*         Due to the increasing participation in recent conferences we encourage early submissions.

Eligibility for presentations and posters

1.    Graduate students or researchers in Canada who were born in Mexico or whose parents are of Mexican origin. All fields of research are welcome.
2.    Graduate students or researchers of other nationalities who are currently working in a Canadian institution on a topic related to Mexico and that falls within this year’s conference topic.
3.    Individuals from any nationality who are currently working or have worked in the past 24 months (volunteer or paid), in organizations related to Mexico or heavily influenced by Mexicans.
4.    The organizers encourage the participation of all those interested. All proposals are welcome and will be included in the program. If special observations or recommendations are needed to improve the quality of the work, they will be sent to the applicants as soon as possible after their submission.

University of Ottawa (virtual sessions)
75 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada

Schedule 2020
Sessions (Eastern time):
Friday, October 23rd (4:00pm – 8:00pm)
Saturday, October 24th (10:00am – 5:00pm)
Sunday, October 25th (9:00am – 12:00pm)

Note: For changes to the agenda please visit frequently

o   Attendance to the conference is open to the public and there is no registration or submission fee; nevertheless, a donation of $25 (students), $50 (professionals), or $100 (enterprises) is recommended.
o   Participants are expected to have their own equipment in order to connect to the event.
o   Receipts will be available for tax purposes.

Submission process – Important dates

Phase I: Deadline for abstracts (July 31st, 2020)
Please send your 250-word abstract by e-mail (, with the title and author(s) name(s). This will allow the committee to define the different areas to be covered, and to help authors apply for travel grants, and/or to request assistance for their accommodation.

Phase II: Deadline to submit your work (September 11th, 2020)
Please send your personal information and a full manuscript of your work by e-mail ( The body of this document must be between 4 to 10 pages long (approximately 1000-2500 words, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font size). The manuscript can have a maximum of 14 pages including charts, bibliography, images, etc. and it should be sent in a single WORD or PDF file named as follows: “YourName–ContributionTitle.doc” (.tex or .pdf).

NOTE: During CEIMEXCAN 2020, the presentations will be delivered virtually (Zoom/or Microsoft Teams platform). It is recommended that you send (and share) your presentation during your participation. You can also participate sending a recorded presentation, voice, and graphics (and/or slides), in a PPT format and uploaded on a video format to a hosting platform.

Manuscripts must be in Spanish or English.

1. Personal information required:
- Title of the contribution
- Field of work (specialty)
- Author(s) name(s)
- Institution(s)
- Address and e-mail of main author
- Desired participation format
- Personal biography (200 words max.)
- LinkedIn contact
2. Manuscript Format:
- Title of contribution
- Abstract (maximum 250 words)
- Manuscript (12pt font, double spacing, maximum 14 pages including abstract, figures and references)

Proceedings and materials
Papers/projects (with permission from their authors), images of the conference and some notes from its discussions will be uploaded to CEIMEXCAN’s webpage. The aim is to promote the authors’ researches and work among different institutions and companies. If authors decline this option, they are free to publish their research in the journal of their choice.

Organizing institutions
ü  Confederación de Estudiantes de posgrado e Investigadores Mexicanos en Canadá (CEIMEXCAN) / (in English: Confederation of Mexican Graduate Students & Researchers in Canada)
ü  University of Ottawa
ü  Embassy of Mexico in Canada

Board of Directors CEIMEXCAN 2019-2021

  • Dr. Gerardo Barajas-Garrido, President (CEIMEXCAN)
  • Dr. José M. Ramirez Olivo, Vice-president, (Canadian Space Agency)
  • Dr. Francisco Ucán-Marín, Public and International Relations (CEIMEXCAN)
  • Dr. Leonardo Cabrera, Secretary (Parks Canada; RGMX – Leamington Chapter)
  • M.A. Arturo Segura, Webmaster (University of Ottawa)
  • M.E. Orlando Iturbe, Treasurer (RGMX – Ottawa Chapter)
Organizing Committee CEIMEXCAN 2020

  • Dr. Felipe Quintanilla (Western University)
  • Dr. Francisco Díaz-Mitoma (RGMX – Ottawa Chapter)
  • Dr. Juan C. Pérez-Casanova (RGMX – Maritimes Region Chapter)
  • Dr. Marco A. Belmont, (Toronto Public Health)
  • Dr. Mariana Esponda (Carleton University)
  • Dr. María Aurora Mejía Benitez, (McMaster University)
Volunteers CEIMEXCAN 2020

  • Dr. Abraham Gómez Vidales (CEIMEXCAN – Quebec)
  • Dr. Adriana Del Palacio (CEIMEXCAN – Europe)
  • Dr. Miguel Angel Aviles Galan (CEIMEXCAN – British Columbia)
  • Dr. Pablo Díaz Gómez Maqueo (CEIMEXCAN – Ontario)
  • Dr. Carmina Angelica Pérez Romero (CEIMEXCAN – Ontario)
  • M.A. Carlos Peralta (Autonomous Chapingo University, Faculty)
  • B.A. Erick Estrada (CEIMEXCAN – Alberta; Canadian Mental Health Association)
  • Fabiola Itaye Belmont Martínez (CEIMEXCAN, Toronto)

Partners and Sponsors
v  Consulate of Mexico in Ottawa ON, Canada
v  Embassy of Mexico in Canada
v  Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME, acronym in Spanish)
v  University of Ottawa
v  Aquaponika Ltd.
v  UNAM Canada

o   Logo: Dr. Francisco Ucán-Marín
o   Poster: Dr. Francisco Ucán-Marín

Would you like to volunteer in the organization of the conference?
Your help is essential to the success of the conference. You can help either by sending this call for papers to students across Canada, helping with the edition of the digital proceedings, organizing/providing transportation to the conference, hosting a student for one or two nights, helping to maintain the website, setting up and coordinating a videoconference link, or in any other way you consider pertinent. Send us an electronic mail and join the team!

Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Confederation of Mexican Graduate Students and Researchers in Canada: